We open up the diary on the issue of 'The New City, 1944' with a picture taken during one of the first conversations I had with Plácido González Martínez to launch the INMERSIONS collection. It was the beginning of the summer and we were on the threshold of the holidays. Plácido González, who was one of the teammates Paula Álvarez had through the publishing adventure of the Neutral magazine, was the first collaborator who have gotten involved in the Book-a platform. We are very pleased to collaborate once again with Plácido in an editorial project and grateful for the enthusiasm he has received the proposal.

The aim of INMERSIONS is recover architectures, urban proposals, techniques and materials arisen from the Industrial Revolution, as qualified samples of the changes that came along with new modes of industrial production, economic management and social organization. This recovery will address three priority issues: patrimony, energy and nature. Among the many possible and appealing titles we had to begin with the collection, we finally opted for the proposal 'The New City of Ludwig Hilberseimer'. More about this first title of the collection here.